Allen commented on Joe's Fun with Cork entry: "Hello there. I am a student of contemporary furniture in London. I am interested in making a stool from cork and was wondering how much cork cost and who I could buy it from. Thank you for your time, any feedback would be gratefully appreciated. "
I responded:
I have scouted out several suppliers for you, listed below, but I would really have to know more about your design to be of further assistance. For example, is the stool going to be made entirely of cork or just covered with a cork sheet? Are you just building one prototype or producing mass quantities? (But I have listed suppliers that sell both raw cork and cork sheets below.)
Cork suppliers:
Another good resource in the UK is the Cork Industry Federation, the trade group for cork suppliers in England. Their e-mail address is [email protected] - and they would most likely be able to supply you with more UK-specific information and may be able to assist you in finding smaller quantities if you are just building a prototype.
Thank you so much for your interest in bookofjoe and best wishes on designing your cork stool. (Be sure to send us a picture once it's done!) If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. Until then, we look forward to exploring our many new finds with you on
Allen responded: "Hello there. Thanks for your help. The stool I am interested in making would be one of my three final designs that i would have to make for my degree show. The idea is to have the whole stool made from cork. I am looking to buy a block of cork that i will be able to turn on a lathe and sculpt the shape. Thanks again for your help.
I replied: "Hi, Allen. I would start by calling the Cork Industry Federation in the UK. Assuming money is a consideration, it would probably be cheaper to find a supplier near you and they would most likely be able to help in that regard. If they cannot help, a few of the vendors I listed did sell blocks. If all of the information leads you nowhere, just let me know and I will continue looking on your behalf."
A few weeks later, I received this e-mail from Allen: "Hello again. I dont know if you remember me, My name is Allen and I am on the search for some re-cycled cork to make a stool for my degree show. I have had no success so far and was wondering if you could help."
I responded:
Hi, Allen. I don't know what you've tried so far, but here are a few more resources for you...
If this doesn't help and you need further assistance, just let me know. (But please let me know what you have already tried and why it did not work.)
Later, I received this e-mail from Allen: "Hello Shawn, just to let you no my cork stool will be appearing at New Designers in Islington this July. Thanks for all of your help."
Awww, my crackpot research produced an actual designer stool. I'm so proud!