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December 04, 2006


Candy Olson

My husband and I go to the Sandwich Fair every year.The first thing we buy is your taffy.About three boxes of it.We love the flavor,it melts in your mouth.Is their any way that you can send me a reminder around Christmas time?


I would like a reminder too!! I absolutely LOVE this taffy!!! Its the best taffy i have ever put in my mouth...thats the only reason i come to the state fair is to get some taffy!! Also, is there a shipping and handling fee i need to add in on my check or not?? Thanks Again!!


Thanks for the information...I bookmarked your site, and I appreciate your time and effort to make your blog a success!


Is there anyway to get this before christmas or is it only sold during christmas time? either way i will be sure to buy some. Thanks!!!


I ordered taffy and my credit card was charged on Aug.17 I have sent two e-mails and a copy of my statement and am still waiting for my candy or even a reply on Oct.4


Oct. 8 still waiting for my order which was charged to my card on Aug 17.

john rowe

I am very disappointed.You sell a good product.Has been around for a good while.Problem you have problem gettting the product out.Have a place in bossier city,la.Even have a phone number,no one ever answer's the phone.Have even called "YOUR" listed phone number's on and off the screen.Seem's your compaany has grown so big you have forgot your root's.please tell me i am wrong.if you don't need my "CHUMP" changei will buy else where.Thank you.

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I live in Brandon, MS, with my husband, my son, three cats, and three dogs. (Three IS a magic number!)

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Mississippi Foodie

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