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January 21, 2006



Great interview! Thanks.

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I was searching for some information about skin problems and i am glad that i found your article! It is very useful!


No harm in reading the book. Still picking after $2,000 in 'personal dialogue' w/Grossbart but oh what an ivy league sounding board he is. Who say? Keep it comin'. Ain't bad for slummin'.

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this is a excellent book Skin Deep: A Mind/Body Program for Healthy Skin.

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Hello folks The coolest thing about the field is that at this point most people are pretty clear about the point that stress makes things worse in a lot of ways with the mind-body connection.
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Nice interview. I'm looking forward to meet with Dr. Ted Grossbart in the future.


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Really enjoyed the interview.. Thanks for posting.

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I think I can get more information about anything by reading books.

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Dermatitis, or skin disease, is one of the most common problems that people have. Skin disease come s in many different forms and strike all different areas of the body. Most of these afflictions are not contagious, being the result of allergies and other conditions, but some, such as warts, can be spread.

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I live in Brandon, MS, with my husband, my son, three cats, and three dogs. (Three IS a magic number!)

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Mississippi Foodie

Very Pinteresting!
