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October 29, 2005



Looks wonderful. :)


You did a great job, thank you.


Good Job.

the pragmatic chef™

Great job, Shawn. I dig your blog, too.


Thanks so much for hosting a great carnival!


Beautiful job - very well done. I've been trying to put in some TBs from my own blog, but TPad is apparently still being persnickety. *sigh*

Oh, and BTW, it's CatHouse Chat, not "Chatter," LOL


Great job, and thanks so much for hosting!



Great job on the carnival!


great job!


great carnival. Even if you made me blush but then Southern girls are like that.

lost in front of the range

I will try many of these recipes just as soon as I can....actually cook. Sigh. I must say, the title for this category reminds me most of the famous horror flick "Carnival of Souls." Which about sums up my cooking, of an average night.

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Mississippi Foodie

Very Pinteresting!
